そして株式会社ルノー(Renault S.A.S.、本社:フランス・ブローニュ、取締役兼CEO:カルロス・ゴーン、以下、ルノー)・日産自動車株式会社(本社:神奈川県横浜市西区、社長:カルロス ゴーン)のアライアンス。

この3社は9月3日、メキシコ中部のアグアスカリエンテスで、ダイムラーと日産が出資して設立する生産合弁会社COMPAS(COoperation Manufacturing Plant AguascalienteSの略)の新工場建設に着工した。

ダイムラーとルノー・日産アライアンスは3日、メキシコ中部のアグアスカリエンテスで、ダイムラーと日産が出資して設立する生産合弁会社COMPAS(COoperation Manufacturing Plant AguascalienteSの略)の新工場建設に着工したと発表しました。本工場では、メルセデス・ベンツ及びインフィニティ向けの次世代プレミアムコンパクトカーを生産します。
3日に行われた新工場の定礎式には、メキシコのイルデフォンソ・グアハルド経済大臣、アグアスカリエンテス州のカルロス・ロサノ・デ・ラ・トーレ知事の他に、メルセデス・ベンツ・カーズ 生産・サプライヤーチェーン担当取締役のマルクス・シェーファー、メルセデス・べンツ・カーズ コンパクトカー生産グループ担当のヨルク・プリグル、日産の副社長で北米マネジメントコミッティ(MC-NA)議長のホセ・ムニョス、Infiniti Motor Company Ltd. 社長のローランド・クルーガー、COMPASのCEO(Chief Executive Officer)である黒澤良二、同CQO(Chief Quality Officer)である グラウツィオ・ライテ、COMPAS取締役会長のアルマンド・アビラを始めとする400名以上の来賓が出席しました。
メルセデス・ベンツ・カーズ 生産・サプライチェーン管理担当取締役のマルクス・シェーファーは、「本日は、ダイムラーとルノー・日産アライアンスの協力関係にとって重要な節目の日です。この新たな共同工場により、両社はそれぞれのお客さまに、迅速かつより柔軟に商品を提供することができます。また、北米自由貿易協定(NAFTA)地域ではメルセデス・ベンツ初のコンパクトカー生産拠点として、この地域での当社の事業を大幅に拡大するでしょう」と述べました。また、「当社としては、合弁会社の高効率と柔軟性を共有しながら、メルセデス・ベンツ独自の技術と、ドイツ・ラシュタットにある当社の世界トップレベルのコンパクトカー生産工場からの指導および支援を提供していきます。こうした実績のある手法を通して、ここアグアスカリエンテスでも、欧州や中国にあるコンパクトカーの生産拠点と同様の高い品質を保証することができるでしょう」と付け加えました。
COMPASはダイムラーおよび日産の代表者で構成されるグローバルなマネジメントチームが運営します。 黒澤良二 チーフ・エグゼクティブ・オフィサー(CEO)、ウーヴェ・ヤーロシュ チーフ・ファイナンシャル・オフィサー(CFO)及びグラウツィオ・ライテ チーフ・クォリティ・オフィサー(CQO)が主要役員です。
*為替は便宜上、直近の為替レートである1US ドル=121円としました。
Daimler and Renault-Nissan Alliance Start Manufacturing Joint Venture in Mexico
Manufacturing joint venture called COMPAS (Cooperation Manufacturing Plant Aguascalientes)
To build plant for the production of next-generation premium compact vehicles for the brands Mercedes-Benz and Infiniti
COMPAS led by international management team from Daimler and Nissan
AGUASCALIENTES, Mexico – Five years after their strategic cooperation was established, Daimler and the Renault-Nissan Alliance have significantly expanded their collaboration with the start of a manufacturing joint venture in Aguascalientes in central Mexico.
The new business entity COMPAS (Cooperation Manufacturing Plant Aguascalientes) is 50:50 owned by Daimler and Nissan. The partners will invest a total of US$1 billion in COMPAS which will oversee the construction and operation of a manufacturing plant for the production of next-generation premium compact vehicles for the brands Mercedes-Benz and Infiniti.
The state-of-the-art plant will be located near the Nissan Aguascalientes A2 plant. It will have an initial annual production capacity of more than 230,000 vehicles and will create about 3,600 direct jobs by 2020. Depending on the market development and customer demand, there will be the potential to add additional capacity. Production of Infiniti vehicles will begin in 2017, first Mercedes-Benz vehicles will roll off the line in 2018.
COMPAS is led by an international management team from Daimler and Nissan: Ryoji Kurosawa is Chief Executive Officer (CEO); Uwe Jarosch is Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Glaucio Leite is Chief Quality Officer (CQO).
The decision-making process of COMPAS is supported by a Board of Directors made up of three executives from each company. The board members from Daimler are: Michael Göbel, Head of Production Compact Cars, Mercedes-Benz Cars; Axel Harries, Head of Quality Management, Mercedes-Benz Cars; and Christian Schulz, Head of Controlling, Mercedes-Benz Cars Operations.The Nissan executives are: Armando Avila, Manufacturing VP, Nissan Mexico; Carlos Servin, Finance VP, Nissan North America; and Takehiro Terai, Total Customer Satisfaction VP, Nissan North America.
“COMPAS is an outstanding example of the global reach of the Renault-Nissan Alliance and Daimler cooperation. Together we are combining the manufacturing expertise of Nissan and Daimler in one production plant in Mexico for the production of next-generation premium compact cars,” said COMPAS CEO Kurosawa. “Aguascalientes was selected as the location for this new plant thanks to the state’s well-established supplier base and Nissan’s track record in highly efficient manufacturing in Mexico for more than three decades,” he added.
Kurosawa has more than 30 years’ manufacturing experience at both Nissan and Infiniti. In his last position as General Manager of the Tochigi Plant in Japan, he was in charge of the production and quality of Infiniti, including the Infiniti Q50 flagship sedan.
“With COMPAS, Mercedes-Benz Cars will for the first time have a production location for compact cars in the NAFTA region and will thus be able to serve its customers close to the market in a flexible and efficient manner,” said COMPAS CFO Jarosch.
During more than 40 years at Daimler, Jarosch has completed various and largely international assignments in finance and controlling. In his last position as CFO of the Mercedes-Benz passenger cars business in India, he had a responsible role in the significant expansion of the local production and the sales network in the country.
“By incorporating the best from both companies in terms of manufacturing and quality processes, we will produce top-quality products, maximize resources, and optimize costs at the same time. We are also making sure that both brands’ quality requirements and identities are safeguarded,“ added COMPAS CQO Leite.
During 24 years at Daimler, Leite has taken over various functions in production and planning at Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles as well as passenger cars in Brazil and Germany. In his last position, after several project assignments at the passenger car plants in the USA and China, he oversaw preparations for the final assembly of the next-generation E-Class at the Mercedes-Benz Sindelfingen plant in Germany.
As announced in June 2014, Daimler and Infiniti will also cooperate in the development of the next-generation premium compact vehicles for the brands Mercedes-Benz and Infiniti. The two partners will closely collaborate at every stage of the product creation process. Brand identity will be safeguarded as the Mercedes-Benz and Infiniti vehicles will clearly differ from each other in terms of product design, driving characteristics, and specifications.
Daimler and Nissan will also produce the next-generation premium compact cars at other production locations around the world, including Europe and China.